Friday, March 7, 2014

What the Future Holds

Well this is the last week of my Leadership and Media Strategies course. I have truly enjoyed and learned so much from this course. When I discovered that I would have to create this professional blog each week I felt a little intimidated at first. Blogging isn't so bad and you just might see more blogs from me, but maybe not as frequent.

This week we watched a Ted video, Medicine’s future? There’s an app for that by Daniel Kraft, which spoke about the future of medical technology. This video caught my attention since I have worked in the health insurance industry for the past ten years. I have already started to hear about virtual office visits/telemedicine at work. This is where the physician can treat a patient from a video chat type setting making it easier for a patient to visit their doctor. Kraft also spoke of mirrors that have pulse rate monitors, artificial retinas, assisted living contact lenses, telephonic microscopes and scar less surgery. Stethoscopes are now digital and there’s an app for that.

Medical professionals are now moving toward digital medicine. Medical records are stored digitally, eliminating the need for paper. Digital records make it easier to transfer information from doctor to doctor and information can be accessed from where ever you are from any digital device.

Electronic devices like the Fit Bit and heart rate monitors are now available. These devices allow people to easily track their own health and this information could be shared with their doctors to help make critical medical decisions. I recently bought a Fit Bit and I love how it monitors my sleep. If I ever need to see a doctor about trouble sleeping, I will show the doctor the reports I get about my sleep from my Fit Bit. 

The advancements in medical technology are so fascinating and I look forward to learning more about them in the future. Like the way we communicate and get our news, the medical industry is changing to be more accessible and convenient.

Thank you for reading my blog. I look forward to reading your comments.  

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