Friday, January 31, 2014

The "Dusting" of 2014

A crisis is an unexpected situation or event. Every organization is vulnerable to crisis. Adequate internal and external communication plans are necessary to control the damage that is done and respond accordingly. Good leadership should anticipate crisis before it hits. Be prepared to tell it all and tell it fast. Crisis communication planning can help you deal with those unexpected events that may cause unfavorable publicity for your organization.

Let’s discuss the most recent crisis that the southeast was presented with on Tuesday January 28, 2014. The forecast called for a “dusting” of snow for central Alabama. Schools and businesses remained opened because the weather did not present a threat to the community. Much of the weather impact was expected south of Birmingham. The predicted “dusting” turned into a serious snow storm leaving thousands of motorist stranded and separated from their families. Schools closed in the middle of the storm. Buses tried to run, but were quickly turned around when they dangerously slid off the roads. Many children were stranded at schools overnight.

I personally was in the middle of this disaster. I was at work when the announcement was made that the schools would be dismissed. In the back of my mind was the word “dusting”. How bad could it be? With three children in three different schools, there was no way I was going to be able to sit through three car pool lines. I quickly informed the schools to send the kids home on the bus. As I got in my car, I could not believe the lines of cars trying to get out. It took 30 minutes for me to get out of the parking deck. I started to realize that this was more that a “dusting” when I finally made it to the road and my tires began to spin each time I hit the gas. Then I received a text from a co-worker advising that there was a 17 car pile-up on the parkway. The snow on the ground quickly turned in to a blanket of ice on the roads.

As I began to panic at the thought of the kids on the bus, I receive a phone call from my 12 year old daughter telling me that she was okay but her bus ran off the road and they turned around and went back to the schools. Then I received an automated call from the schools advising that the buses would not be running due to the dangerous driving conditions.  Once I knew that the kids were safe, I turned my car around and went back into work. I knew that if I tried to drive in that madness, I would crash my car and possibly get hurt. When I returned to my desk there was a corporate email stating that the company will remain open as a shelter for as long as needed. My manager announced for everyone to do what they felt necessary to do with their safety in mind. Then there was an announcement over the intercom system stating that the cars on the top deck should move because of the snow accumulation. I could not believe that I was about to spend the night at the office. Luckily, my co-worker convinced me to hike two-miles to one of her friend’s house and we camped out there. My husband was able to retrieve the kids and everyone was safe. A total of 1100 people were stranded at my place of employment.

News reports showed thousands of cars crashed and abandoned along the highways. People were walking the streets in the freezing snow. Many slept in their cars overnight in subzero temperatures. Five people have been killed as a result of the storm, according to a report from Governor Robert Bentley's office. A Birmingham woman who crashed her car died in Perry County, a Wetumpka man and a 2-year old died in Elmore, and a train wreck killed two in Tuscaloosa. Many others were injured as a result of traffic accidents. Everyone was left wondering how the weather forecasters got it so wrong? Local meteorologists were beginning to receive negative comments from the public on social media sites such as twitter and face book.

A crisis communication plan was necessary for the news stations, schools and many organizations. Each had to react just as quickly as the snow hit the ground. The safety of the people was the first priority. News stations needed to report the facts against their inaccurate weather forecast and report it to the public using many mediums of communication. A news report was issued by the meteorologist, the website was updated, social media reports were made, and the information was broadcasted on the radio. Government official declared a state of emergency and called in reinforcement from the National Guard. Schools needed to advise the teachers what issues they were faced with, and then contact parents to advise that the schools were closing. Organizations relayed the conditions to their employees and quickly made accommodations for their employees.  

Once safety has been restored, the media had to face the public and face the facts. Local meteorologist, James Spann, issued a public apology for his forecast “bust” on his blog. He took the blame for his mistake, showed empathy for the people involved and tried to explain how this disaster happened. He kept a positive tone. He advised that he will be reviewing the situation over the coming weeks.

News reports focused on the positives that occurred as a result of the crisis. Many reports were of people helping people in a time of need. One popular report was of Doctor Zenko Hrynkiw who walked six miles in the snow to perform emergency life-saving brain surgery. Another is of baby Wynter Dobbins who was born at home because the ambulance could not get to her because it had crashed.

All of this could have been avoided with the right call on the weather forecast. After it is all said and done, everyone involved should reflect on what went right and what went wrong. Learn from the mistakes and make revisions where needed to better prepare for the next crisis. Take corrective action to prevent the crisis from ever happening again.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Viral Media

Social media has many sources of communication that businesses can use to promote their image. YouTube is the largest video sharing website and has become a key promoter for businesses around the world. Video marketing can be a very effective way of getting your message across to your customers. Video content that is entertaining, accessible and easily digestible is the perfect formula for today’s generation. People want to see things rather than just read or hear them. Creating a viral video is what online video creators aim for. For some, virality is the primary goal; for others it is a result of creating engaging content and effectively marketing it. A video is never guaranteed to go viral, but a few factors make it significantly more likely.
A YouTube video is more than a video. It is an opportunity to promote a product or service. When it comes to deciding about YouTube marketing strategies that work, there are certain things that should be considered. The marketing video should try to entertain or speak to people by creating an emotional response of any kind from the viewers. It will prompt viewers to share the video with others, thereby contributing to viral marketing of the product. You want to produce something that people will want to discuss with their friends and family. The title of the YouTube video should be something that grabs the attention of the Internet users and prompt them to watch the video.  Keep it short - The attention span of viewers on the Internet is very short. Promote subtly for better results.  

Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” video was one of the most popular videos of 2013, with nearly 54 million views on YouTube. It shares an incredibly powerful and positive message about the way women see their selves, which people felt compelled to share. A forensic artist drew sketches of women based on how they described themselves, and then draws the same image with strangers describing them. Many of the women described themselves in unflattering ways. The strangers’ sketches were closer to the way the women really looked. When I saw this video, I immediately shared it with my best friend. I wish that she could see herself through my eyes. She is a beautiful person, but she does not see herself as others see her.
Dove was subtle in promoting their brand. The only way you know that Dove is associated with this message is in the title and a flash of the Dove logo at the very end. This message speaks to people. It creates an emotional response. It grabs your attention and leaves you thinking. The relatability of the message cannot be ignore. Dove connected with the audience and the marketing technique was a huge success. 
Another popular way to connect with your audience is to make them laugh out loud. Kmart has partnered with DraftFCB to try to lift their image. The retail giant has attracted plenty of attention with its play on words. Kmart’s hilarious “Ship My Pants” video had over 20 million views; they followed that up with the “Show Your Joe” holiday ad with 17 million views, and the “Big Gas Savings”. Each of these videos had people talking. Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb from the Today show featured all three of the above mentioned videos.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the Kmart ads, the risky ads also stirred up some controversy. Some people left negative comment on Kmart's Facebook page. It is impossible to please everyone. Sometimes bad publicity in inevitable. If you scroll through the posts on Facebook, you could see several negative comments left by dissatisfied customers. What is interesting is the manner in which Kmart is responding to the customers concerns.
posted to‎ Kmart
WARNING! If you order from or, and don't receive your order, be prepared for a long, frustrating fight to get your refund. 4 phone calls (this 1 I spoke with a "supervisor" also), 1 bad feedback, 1 month, & still haven't gotten a full refund. They keep issuing refunds, but they never show up on my credit card account.
Hermitssa  likes this.
   Kmart Lucy, thank you for bringing your refund issue to our attention. We’d be happy to address this. Please send the following information – contact #, screen name (Lucy Goodson Morrison), phone # used at time of purchase to Thanks.
o     I'm having the same problem, Lucy. Its been a month now, and I have been speaking with a wonderful sweet lady at corporate. Ive been told that the refund was approved, but I have yet to see it show up in my account. Very frustrated as well.
§  Kmart Cares Amanda, we thank you for posting. We will forward your post over to your case manager. Thanks, Liz.
Communication professionals need to have a damage control plan ready for when bad publicity strikes their brand. Monitoring your brand online is a necessity today in order to be on the lookout for an irate customer or a disgruntled employee. An appropriate and timely response is very important.  Do not try to out-insult those who insult you. Do not argue. Your best bet is to listen to your customers’ needs, try to solve the issue, apologize and move on. Look at it as an opportunity to build better customer relationships by solving problems. Make it clear that the company is taking action to resolve the issue.
YouTube alone has more than 4 million views per day. Everyone is watching videos. Video sharing is a huge part of social media, and social media is a huge part of our lives. Video marketing has created an even playing field on which brands, business, and organizations can compete. Like Facebook or Twitter, video social media sites allow real-time feedback and interaction, allowing your brand to engage with the customers. Video is mobile and just one click away from people clicking the buy now button. The exposure that any company can get is amazing.

I look forward to reading your comments and questions. I promise to respond in a timely manner. Please share your favorite viral videos and tell me why you like them.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Power of the Social Hour

The way we communicate with the public has certainly evolved over the last decade. While we still utilize traditional media sources such as print, radio, billboards and television; social media has made a major impact in the way we communicate. Social media is not a replacement for traditional media, but it has allowed a different type of marketing strategy that businesses cannot ignore. Organizations have incorporated the use of social media to reach higher levels of effectiveness and to better connect with their clients. Traditional media can help create brand awareness, but it does not allow you to engage with your audience. Social media has rapidly embedded itself into our personal and professional everyday lives.

Social media allows a more interactive experience than traditional media. Instead of filling out a survey, dropping your opinions in a suggestion box or writing a letter to the editor, consumers can voice their opinions on a product with the creators of the information immediately. Businesses can join the conversation with millions of consumers around the world everyday. Companies can monitor what people are saying about their brand, build relationships with consumers, educate them about products and services, and then making them love your brand. Consumers feel connected and become part of a social network, causing them to trust the product or service.

Individuals have a new ability to voice their opinions through social media. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most credible forms of advertising because people who do not stand to gain personally by promoting something are spreading the word based on their personal experiences. Combined with the social media, the word-of-mouth can be a powerful resource for the business market. Consumers can easily use social media to leave positive or negative reviews about a product or a service. These reviews can influence the buying decisions of potential consumers. Organizations can monitor what is being said about their brand and make policy changes where needed.  Websites like Angie's list is a word-of-mouth network, helping more than 2 million households find the best service companies in their area. If  you need a plumber, you can search the site for the best plumber in your town. You can read the reviews and rate the plumber, you could also share a review on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or YouTube. 

People look for opinion leaders to determine if a product or a service will work for them. Angie Hicks serves as a valuable opinion leader by maintaining a blog on her site. Opinion leaders (famous celebrities, journalists, bloggers, athletes) are active on multiple social media platforms and have the power to form opinions when it comes to our products. The majority of people are influenced by opinion leaders. They spread ideas and expand conversation. Angie is a real person who has a lot to say. She is a nationally known consumer expert who has issued calls for action in several areas. She has alerted consumers by freely discussing customer service experiences. She is also a strong advocate for accountability and fairness in the consumer ratings and reviews niche. In addition to her role as Chief Marketing Officer of Angie’s List, Angie is a sought-after guest on national news programs and regularly contributes consumer news and commentary to local and national news outlets.

Advertisers are using opinion leaders to carry their message to influence its target group. They are using various social media venues such as Facebook or Twitter to communicate messages about their brands. Opinion leaders can communicate why an organization does what they do and spread their beliefs amongst a network circle. Simon Sinek explains in his video How great leaders inspire action that inspired organizations should communicate their message from the inside out.  People do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it. If we reverse our communication to explain why we do what we do, how it is done, then what you do; you will attract those that believe what you believe. This concept Sinek calls the Golden Circle, "a naturally occurring pattern, grounded in the biology of human decision making, that explains why we are inspired by some people, leaders, messages and organizations over others". 

Zappos online shoe retail store believes that happiness at work equates to happiness at home and focus on customer service results in repeat business. The company does not have a social media policy, employees are allowed to access their social media accounts anytime during work hours as long as the customer comes first. The Zappos culture encourages employees to include company information and opinions on their Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs and their LinkdedIn profile. Zappos is using social media successfully to promote their brand. They have set up their own Twitter micro site highlighting the company’s use of Twitter. All employees have Twitter accounts to help engage its brand. Zappos has dedicated page for Twitter on its site that is linked to every other page on the site with the words “What are Zappos employees doing right now?” Here we can find all Zappos employees’ most recent messages. Employees tweet about what they are dong at work and about interesting resources on and off the Zappos site.

Zappos uses a strategy called “fans-only content” where they reveal content only after someone has become a fan, such as the fashion images. Once you click the Like button, you get instant access to exclusive content, videos and special promotions. On Facebook Zappos’ has a “Fan of the Week” contest. They encourage fans to send in their photos using their Zappos box they receive in the mail when they make a purchase and other fans get to vote on the best photo of the week. Zappos highlights the fan of the week by posting their photo on the Zappos wall for all to see. The more you spotlight your fans, the more they will come back for more social interaction and the more likely their social circle of friends will want to get involved.

Social media is about engaging, interacting with the audience and involving the customer in the brand.

Feel free to leave you comments and opinions on social media tactics. I challenge you to post an example of how a business can use the power of the social hour in my comment section. The link to my blog is I look forward to reading your responses.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tipping Points

Tipping Points

Welcome to my blog, my name is Nicole. I was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. I studied Spanish at the University of Southern Mississippi. Currently, I am a Marketing Communications Coordinator at a major health insurance company. I decided that I enjoy working in the field of communications and want to learn more, so I enrolled Troy University’s Strategic Communications graduate program. I feel that continuing my education will help me excel in my current position and advance my career in the future. Over the next nine weeks, I will be posting weekly blogs about leadership and communication strategies.
Diffusion of innovation is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. Some members of the social system will adopt the change immediately, while others may lag behind. Once we reduce the unfamiliarity of an innovation to the public they are more likely to adopt a change. A change agent is needed in order for the product to reach the “tipping point”, the point in which it spreads like wild fire throughout the population. Technology is continuously evolving; there is always a new trend.

I think of myself as someone who easily adopts the new trends. My 72 year old mother, I would consider a lagger when it comes to new technology. I always want to share pictures of my children with my mother since she lives in another state. We first tried getting her a laptop so we could email pictures to her, but she was always forgetting her password or could not get it to connect. Next, I convinced her to get a I Phone. Once I was able to show her how easy it is to use, she was on board. Now, I can text pictures of the kids to her and we can even facetime each other. For me the tipping point of the I Phone was the information provided in the advertisements promoting its new features. My mother required a conversation with me, someone she knows and trusts, in order to adopt the innovation.
There are many channels of communication that we use to spread information. Mass media can inform the public on the latest innovations, but it’s those face-to-face conversations within the social system that gets people to adopt the change. Once people see something working well for the people around them, they are more likely to follow in their footsteps.  

Please feel free to express your thoughts on the topics that I will cover. The link to my blog is I look forward to reading your response.